Strategy 2030

Environmental Project Management Agency’s priorities for 2030: 

  • The heart of building modernization, enabling the renovation of up to 10 000 multi-apartment houses; 
  • Friendliest institution for the project promoter, in action ensuring the least bureaucratic operation, flexibility and speed; 
  • Institution with the highest ranking among public institutions; 
  • Most desirable partner providing project management services used by Ministry of Environment and its subordinate institutions; 
  • Climate change and environment projects competences center.

We base our activities planning on the Hoshin Kanri system methodology, popular in Japan, which is a set of sequential steps that help to identify the organization’s objectives throughout all organization and translate them into specific action plans for each employee. It aligns EPMA’s functions and activities vertically and horizontally with strategic objectives. 

A complete strategy for 2030 (in Lithuanian)